March 12, 2025

This Week in Security: Medical Backdoors, Strings, and Changes at Let’s Encrypt Jonathan Bennett |

There are some interesting questions afoot, with the news that the Contec CMS8000 medical monitoring system has a backdoor. And this isn’t the normal debug port accidentally left in the firmware. The CISA PDF has all the details, and it’s weird. The device firmware attempts to mount an NFS share from an IP address owned by an undisclosed university. If that mount command succeeds, binary files would be copied to the local filesystem and executed.

Additionally, the firmware sends patient and sensor data to this same hard-coded IP address. This backdoor also includes a system call to enable the eth0 network before attempting to access the hardcoded IP address, meaning that simply disabling the Ethernet connection in the device options is not sufficient to prevent the backdoor from triggering. This is a stark reminder that in the firmware world, workarounds and mitigations are often inadequate. For instance, you could set the gateway address to a bogus value, but a slightly more sophisticated firmware could trivially enable a bridge or alias approach, completely bypassing those settings. There is no fix at this time, and the guidance is pretty straightforward — unplug the affected devices.

Reverse Engineering Using… Strings

The Include Security team found a particularly terrifying “smart” device to tear apart: the GoveeLife Smart Space Heater Lite. “Smart Space Heater” should probably be terrifying on its own. It doesn’t get much better from there, when the team found checks for firmware updates happening over unencrypted HTTP connections. Or when the UART password was reverse engineered from the readily available update. It’s not a standard Unix password, just a string comparison with a hardcoded value, and as such readily visible in the strings output.

Now on to the firmware update itself. It turns out that, yes, the device will happily take a firmware update over that unencrypted HTTP connection. The first attempt at running modified firmware failed, with complaints about checksum failures. Turns out it’s just a simple checksum appended to the firmware image. The device has absolutely no protection against running custom firmware. So this leads to the natural question, what could an attacker actually do with access to a device like this?

The proof of concept attack was to toggle the heat control relay for every log message. In a system like this, one would hope there would be hardware failsafes that turn off the heating element in an overheat incident. Considering that this unit has been formally recalled for over 100 reports of overheating, and at least seven fires caused by the device, that hope seems to be in vain.

AMD Releases

We wrote about the mysterious AMD vulnerability a couple weeks ago, and the time has finally come for the full release. It’s officially CVE-2024-56161, “Improper signature verification in AMD CPU ROM microcode patch loader”. The primary danger seems to be malicious microcode that could be used to defeat AMD’s Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP) technology. In essence, an attacker with root access on a hypervisor could defeat this VM encryption guarantee and compromise the VMs on that system.

This issue was found by the Google Security Team, and there is a PoC published that demonstrates the attack with benign effects.

The Mirai Two-fer

The Mirai botnet seems to have picked up a couple new tricks, with separate strains now attacking Zyxel CPE devices and Mitel SIP phones. Both attacks are actively being exploited, and the Zyxel CPE flaw seems to be limited to an older, out-of-support family of devices. So if you’re running one of the approximately 1,500 “legacy DSL CPE” devices, it’s time to pull the plug. Mitel has published an advisory as well, and is offering firmware updates to address the vulnerability.

Let’s Encrypt Changes

A service many of us depend on is making some changes. Let’s Encrypt is no longer going to email you when your certificate is about to expire. The top reason is simple. It’s getting to be a lot of emails to send, and sending emails can get expensive when you measure them in the millions.

Relatedly, Let’s Encrypt is also about to roll out new six-day certificates. Sending out email reminders for such short lifetimes just doesn’t make much sense. Finally from Let’s Encrypt is a very useful new feature, the IP Address certificate. If you’ve ever found yourself wishing you didn’t have to mess with DNS just to get an HTTPS certificate, Let’s Encrypt is about to have you covered.

Bits and Bytes

There’s a Linux vulnerability in the USB Video Class driver, and CISA has issued an active exploit warning for it. And it’s interesting, because it’s been around for a very long time, and it was disclosed in a Google Android Security Bulletin. It’s been suggested that this was a known vulnerability, and was used in forensic tools for Android, in the vein of Cellebrite.

Pretty much no matter what program you’re using, it’s important to never load untrusted files. The latest application to prove this truism is GarageBand. The details are scarce, but know that versions before 10.4.12 can run arbitrary code when loading malicious images.

Ever wonder how many apps Google blocks and pulls from the app store? Apparently better than two million in 2024. The way Google stays mostly on top of that pile of malware is the use of automated tools, which now includes AI tools. Which, yes, is a bit terrifying, and has caused problems in other Google services. YouTube in particular comes to mind, where channels get content strikes for seemingly no reason, and have trouble finding real human beings at Google to take notice and fix what the automated system has mucked up.

And finally, echoing what Kee had to say on the subject, cryptocurrency fraud really is just fraud. And [Andean Medjedovic] of Canada found that out the hard way, after his $65 million theft landed him in jail on charges of wire fraud, computer hacking, and attempted extortion.


This articles is written by : Nermeen Nabil Khear Abdelmalak

All rights reserved to : USAGOLDMIES .

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